I have noticed something interesting about a certain vine-type of plant in my house when I water it, and it brought to mind John 15:5, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me, you can do nothing." When I water this plant, in about 24 hours' time, I notice a small droplet of water gathering at the tip of a select few leaves. Not all of the leaves have this though. I am attaching a picture of this plant with the water droplet so you can have a better idea what I am talking about.
It reminds me of Christians and our faith journey. There are those who accept Jesus into their heart, believe, and receive His salvation, but apart from that, they fail to move forward in their faith walk and claim all that God has planned for them. They remain as baby Christians, simply waiting for Jesus' return, rather than producing a fruit-filled life. They may go to church on Sunday and be fed for the day, but during the week their spirits become dry and parched because they have not made the choice to feed on God's Living Word throughout the week. They rely on others to feed them spiritually. This is like the leaves on my plant that do not gather water droplets at the tips for all to see. Jesus died so we could have have life and have it in abundance. John 10:10 says, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Then there are those who receive Jesus with enthusiasm, but the roots of God's Word does not grow deep inside their hearts and they slowly revert back to their old lifestyle, living only to please their flesh. John 15:6 says, "Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers." Matthew 7:19 says, "Every tree that does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire." This is like when I see dried up, dead, brown leaves on my plant, I pluck them off and throw them away.
Then there are those Christians who accept Jesus with all of their heart and their lives are forever changed. Their relationship with Jesus and their heavenly Father is forever growing and being cultivated because they have put God first in their life and are diligently seeking Him in all areas of their life. As a result of their diligence and passion for Jesus, their lives begin to produce fruit and they begin to see God's blessings in their life. Those Christians become fruitful.
I don't know about you, but I have chosen the latter lifestyle. Just like when I water my plant, there are leaves that begin to gather water and the water droplet hangs ever so gently from the tip of the leaf for all to see: If we make the decision to put God first in every area of our life, we too will begin to gather His Living Water in our heart until we are filled to the top and overflowing. When this happens, others can see the Living Water flowing out from us. Others can see it by the fruit it produces in our life. When you remain in Jesus and He remains in you, His Living Water can flow out from Him and pour into you. John 4:14 says, "But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” This is like the leaves on my plant that gather water droplets at the tips.
If you are asking how, exactly, do you "remain in Him?" You do this by making the choice to set aside quite time with God every day, where you read His Word and talk to Him. When you talk to Him, make sure it is a dialogue, not a monologue. John 15:8 says, "When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples." I looked up "fruit" in my online bible program. It explains it as, "A word used in scripture denoting producing in general." Producing what exactly? To be more specific it also says, "It is those gracious dispositions and habits which the Spirit produces in those in whom He dwells and works." I don't know about you but I love the idea of the Spirit producing good fruit in me. Galatians 5:22, 23 says, "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."
If you are asking how, exactly, do you "remain in Him?" You do this by making the choice to set aside quite time with God every day, where you read His Word and talk to Him. When you talk to Him, make sure it is a dialogue, not a monologue. John 15:8 says, "When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples." I looked up "fruit" in my online bible program. It explains it as, "A word used in scripture denoting producing in general." Producing what exactly? To be more specific it also says, "It is those gracious dispositions and habits which the Spirit produces in those in whom He dwells and works." I don't know about you but I love the idea of the Spirit producing good fruit in me. Galatians 5:22, 23 says, "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."
Just as not all of the leaves on my plant gather water at their tips, not all Christians diligently seek a relationship with Jesus. Matthew 7:7,8 says, "Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."
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