July 28, 2014

Message from God on Suicide

I was driving down the road on my way to visit my mom when I felt that familiar Holy Spirit nudge. I had just driven past a young lady who was walking down the street. She wore a dark hat and had ear buds in her ears. I was sensing that she was contemplating suicide. I kept driving, thinking it's just my overactive imagination. After about 2-3 blocks the nudge became much stronger. I pulled over and said, "OK God, I'm sensing you want me to go talk to that girl. I feel like a fool, but I'm willing to be a fool for you." I turned around and as I was driving back I said, "OK God, if this is you she will still be walking down the same street." Sure enough she was. I felt like God wanted me to tell her, "Don't do it!" and "He loves her." 

I rolled down my window and pulled up beside her. She pulled her ear bud out of her ear. 
(I don't remember the exact conversation word for word, but I will do my best.)

"This might sound strange, but I was wondering if you believe in God?" I asked.
"Actually, I'm an atheist." she replied.
"I feel like God wants me to tell you something. Sometimes this happens to me and I have to do what He tells me to do." I explained.
"What is it?" she asked.
"He wants me to tell you --Don't do it!!" 
(She dropped the leaf she had been carrying in her hand and held her hand over her mouth. Her eyes filled up with tears. There was a long pause as she collected herself.)
"That is profound actually." she uttered. "Can you keep a secret?"
"Yes I can." I replied (which is why she will remain anonymous).
"I have been considering suicide." she explained. 
"Don't do it!! God loves you!! Don't do it!!" I repeated.

I asked her if she wanted to talk. She said no she had to go. As I drove away I felt like I needed to give her some sort of contact information. I pulled over and waited. I wrote the name of my church and the time and day I attend on a piece of paper. I also wrote, "Don't do it!" Once she caught up to my van I pulled up to her and gave her the piece of paper explaining what it was for. I also told her I had the perfect book that I wanted to give to her. I told her it was a book for teens on teen suicide. I told her I was on my way to see my mom, but I had to return home because I had forgotten my cell phone so I could grab the book when I pick up my cell phone and come right back. She said she would walk slowly. I raced home and grabbed my phone and the book. When I returned with my booklet in hand she was sitting at the corner of the street. I walked over to her, wrote my contact information on the inside cover and handed her the book. We said our goodbyes and I returned to my van. 

As I was driving to my mom's place, I kept praising and thanking God for using me to help her. I thanked the Holy Spirit for nudging me. I thanked the Holy Spirit for making me sensitive to His nudges. I thanked Him for His persistence when I was trying to write it off as nothing and go about my own business instead of His. My adrenaline was pumping. I was feeling energized and excited. I prayed for that young lady for the remainder of my drive. 

What if I had ignored those nudges? What if I decided it was too awkward and kept on driving? What if I decided I was too busy or thought I was just imaging the whole thing? Because of my willingness to be obedient, regardless of how I felt, that young lady's day has been dramatically impacted. She is not going to forget this. 

Being used by God to reach out to others who are hurting is the most amazing, exhilarating feeling. You don't have to have any special talent or ability to be used by God. All you need is a willing Spirit and a listening heart. There is no pressure, you're just the messenger. God is constantly looking for people who are willing to make themselves available. 

*The name of the book I gave her is called, "Suicide, helping you and your friends live - special teen edition of "Why They Die" by Jerry Johnston with Don Simmonds. If you would like to purchase copies of this booklet please click this link: Suicide - Helping you and your friends to live - Teen Edition


Anonymous said...

I know that feeling of the 'holy spirit nudge' . It's a feeling like no other and rather compeling. Your words are exactly how I felt before picking up a young girl walking on a highway.
When we listen amazing things happen. I pray the young girl you spoke to finds peace and you keep being who you are Rowena. God bless

Unknown said...

Inspirational. God nudges and prompts us, more than we care to know sometimes, He presents opportunities through the Holy Spirit to act on His behalf. There are many moments like this, I have regretted not acting upon. All He asks for is our obedience and to trust Him. he takes care of the rest.

Thanks Rowena..

The Sunflower Seeds Team said...

Oh Rowena, what a lesson in obedience. How easy it is to put on our own 'ear buds' and block out God. We can always justify ourselves before man but we sure are weak as jelly when we try that with God. How blessed that girl was that you listened and obeyed. I pray that the seed you planted is starting to sprout! Great post.