Over the Christmas 2009 break I had just finished three years of college training and finally graduated. My son and my niece just left by plane to spend some time with my parents in Fort McMurray. For the first time in a very long time my house was quiet and empty. Not only that but now I suddenly had all of this extra time that used to be spent on my studies. I was feeling rather bored and a tad lonely. The reason I say "tad" lonely is because on the first day I always start out feeling really lonely when I am alone and then I slowly begin to enjoy my quiet time and begin working on projects that I just never have the time to do otherwise.
When I am spending time with my Heavenly Father I often ask Him to show me someone He can bless through me. Some of the larger ways He has answered that prayer request started in the summer of 2008. This is when, I believe, I first began praying this particular type of prayer. I was walking my dogs and asking "Daddy," which is what I now like to call God, to show me someone He could bless through me, someone who needed help. Not long after that request I ended up welcoming an abandoned ferret into my home. Throughout this process he was pooping and peeing all over my house and getting into huge amounts of trouble, more trouble than I ever thought one small fuzzy could find. I had no idea how to care for a ferret nor what they ate. I kept telling myself I can't keep him, he is way too much work, there is no way I can keep him. My intention was to only keep him until the SPCA opened on Tuesday and then I would turn him in.
I quickly joined an internet ferret forum and enlisted the help of ferret "experts." I had to get him eating and he wouldn't eat the ferret food I bought. I had to make something called "Duck soup" to get him back to a healthy weight fast. He still wouldn't eat. I had to syringe feed the duck soup to him only he squirmed so much I couldn't get it in his mouth. I learned from the ferret "experts" that I had to roll him up tightly in a towel and then syringe feed him. That finally worked and eventually he began to eat it on his own. Through this process we bonded and I fell in love with the little fuzzy. By Tuesday there was no way I could even think of letting him go. He now brings so much joy into my life and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to care for him. I, I mean he, has even started his very own blog for children and youth to enjoy. You are welcome to read his blog at http://dukes-diary.blogspot.com/
The second large way that God answered my prayer request for someone to bless was when He reunited me with my long lost niece whom I hadn't seen in 12 years. She had been kicked out of her home and needed a place to live so she could continue attending her high school. This was a large step of faith on my part but I knew God wanted me to do this and if He wanted me to do this I knew He would equip me with everything I needed to be able to do this. Since October 2009 my 15-year-old niece has been living with me.
This Christmas when my son and my niece were away visiting my parents I prayed that same prayer again. I laughed and said to my Daddy, "You are pretty much going to have to bring that person to my doorstep because it is too cold outside for me to be going out much." It was that evening or the evening after that when my doorbell rang. A neighbor that used to live a block away from me was standing on my doorstep. I invited him in and he talked to me about his cat that had surgery three months earlier and had a feeding tube and how he has been nursing her back to health and feeding her through a tube. He had to do so every 2 or 3 hours. The feeding tube was finally out and she was now eating on her own. He desperately wanted a break and to go and visit his family for Christmas. He asked me if I would be interested in taking care of his cat while he went away for a few days.

At first I was very hesitant. This meant, since it was very cold outside, that I would have to warm up my van three times a day and drive to this man's car lot and go into his office to feed his cat and make sure the cat was not getting worse but better. As I was hesitating on this I could hear the Holy Spirit inside me saying "Remember, you asked for someone God could bless through you and you said they would have to arrive on your doorstep and here he is." Even though it wasn't convenient for me I knew I had to say yes. This was something I wanted to do for Daddy. I am attaching a picture of the cat. Her name is Nella.

At this very moment as I write this blog post God has answered this prayer request once again. Right now there is large Portuguese water dog in my house named Bella. This is no easy feat in my small 1000 square foot home, not when I already have two dogs, two cats, two guinea pigs, a chinchilla and a ferret already living in my home. After praying this prayer my ex-husband called and asked if I could care for his dad's dog while he goes out of town for the weekend. My ex-husband is dog sitting his dad's dog only he was called out of town on business and was in desperate need of finding someone who would be willing to care for a large dog. Of all the people God could choose for me to bless He asks me to help my ex-husband. You may find this surprising, especially if you have read some of my other blog posts, but I gladly obliged.
You will notice a pattern here, that there are a lot of animals I am blessing rather than humans. All I can say is God knows my heart and my love for animals and He meets your passion with His need. In this way I am able to help an animal in need which, in turn, helps the human attached to the animal. He also knew my heart for my niece and how fervently I prayed for her over the years.
The conclusion of this blog story is this; be careful what you ask God for because when He answers it will most likely not happen at the most convenient time and you won't necessarily "feel" like doing it. You will be required to move past your flesh (what you feel like doing) and move in the Spirit (what the Holy Spirit inside you wants to do). This is not always easy to do and it does require some practice but once you begin to allow God to use you in this way it is unbelievably rewarding. So go ahead, I dare you to ask God to send you someone He can bless through you and see what happens.
I offer this challenge to all of my readers. If you will do this challenge and God answers your request please send me a message and let me know what happened. I would love to hear about it and if it is alright with you I would love to share your story on my blog. Some people are deceived into believing that being a Christian is boring and for wimpy people. I can definitely say from my own personal experience that that statement could not be further from the truth.
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